Freedom of the air

Freedom of the air

  • Formulated as a results of disagreements over the extent of aviation liberalisation in the Chicago Convention (1944)
  • Freedoms of the air apply to commercial aviation
  • The terms “freedom” and “right” are a shorthand way of referring to the type of internatinal services permitted between two or more countries
  • Type of Freedom
    • Transit rights
      • 1st & 2nd freedom
    • Traffic rights
      • 3rd & 4th freedom
      • Beyond Rights (5th, 6th & 7th freedom)
      • Cabotage (8th & 9th freedom)
  • The 6th to 9th freedom, they are not mentioned by the Chicago Convention (they are made possible by some air services agreement but are not officially recognized)
    The nature of air service agreements is essentially a mercantilist negotiation that strives for an equitable exchange of traffic rights

ASEAN Open Sky

  • The freedom of the air is part of the ASEAN Open Sky, whereas ASEAN Open Sky is part of the ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM) economical element.
  • The next slide illustrate the position of ASEAN Open Sky with respect to ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
  • However, attention must be paid on the technical element since this element plays an important role in ensuring acceptance of safety and standard of aeronautical product & safety system introduced in the ASAM by the ASEAN members.