Lion Air Dominates the Aviation Industry in 2014, Analyst Says

Flight consultant and research agency CSE-Aviation, predicted that Lion Air will dominate the airline market in 2014. According to CSE-Aviation Deputy Chairman Samudra Sukardi, such condition was due to Lion Air’s large number of airplanes and routes.

“Lion Air has more means of production compared to other airlines,” he said in a seminar on the aviation industry outlook at Wisma Antara, Jakarta, yesterday.

Based on a research conducted by CSE-Aviation, Lion Air has more than 100 units of planes that serves 80 flight routes. Not to mention that later on, the company plans to buy hundreds of Boeing 737-900 and Airbus A-320 airplanes. Samudra added that Lion Air’s domination over the aviation industry was a result of its low cost carrier services.

He stated that throughout 2013, Lion Air has the largest market share of 42 percent, followed by Garuda Indonesia with 22 percent, Sriwijaya 10 percent, Wings Air 6 percent, and Citilink 2 percent. The rest 14 percent is shared between 54 airlines.

CSE-Aviation President Director Edwin Sudarmo, said that in 2013, the total number of flight  passengers in Indonesia has increased by 19 percent to 86.1 million people. The number of planes had also increased by eight percent from 754 to 811 units.

Edwin estimated that in 2014, the aviation industry market will experience a 12.5 percent growth, while the number of planes will increase by another eight percent to 875 units.

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