Passenger Trend (Indonesia)Trend On Regional Airline Business CSE Aviation Passenger Trend (Indonesia)In 2003 there were 26 airlines operatedin the sky of Indonesia – compared withonly 7 (seven) airlines before the… read more →
Air transportation industry in Indonesia has started to recover in year 2000 after suffering from the monetary crisis in 1997. The number of passenger in domestic air transport shows a… read more →
Regional airline business development in recent years has quite frequently become topics of discussion, particularly in Indonesia where many of the air operator found that it is a promising business… read more →
Seminar : Mengantar Industri Penerbangan Indonesia Menuju Kelas Dunia 25 Januari 2012 – Airman Planet Hotel Sultan, Jakarta Pusat – Indonesia
Meningkatnya pertambahan jumlah penumpang domestik, dengan rata-rata 15,3 persen per tahun hingga mengalahkan laju pertumbuhan dunia, menyebabkan Indonesia menjadi pasar penumpang yang menarik bagi air operator dalam maupun luar negeri.… read more →